Our new VIP (Very Insightful Professionals) Coaching Program is different than anything you’ve ever experienced.

  1. Most programs that say they offer group coaching are really just doing Q&As with limited value past saving you the time googling answers to your questions.
  2. We specifically focus on helping you build a flourishing life AND business, because the science is pretty clear—you can’t have one without the other. (More on that in our upcoming webinar!) https://www.dreamoftravelwriting.com/flourishing-business-webinar/
  3. Our program centers around the closest thing to an MBA for writers that I’ve ever found: our business fundamental flows. Unlike the grind of an MBA, though, they’re designed to make your life easier 🙂

One of the main goals of our VIP program is to make everything that you hate and usually put off doing for your business more effortless, meaningful, enjoyable, AND fruitful.

That starts with unpacking and rebuilding all of the business in your business.

You can get a little preview of our approach in this special sneak peek of our BFF (business fundamental flow) content here—it’s only available until we launch on October 1!

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