Get Your Six-Figure Travel Writer On!
From 1:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. on Saturday, August 5, 2017, Dream of Travel Writing presents a travel writing master class to help you dramatically grow your freelance travel writing income.
Vibe Savoy Hotel
630 Little Collins St
Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia
In this freelance travel writing master class, you’ll learn the all the most important secrets of six-figure travel writers:
- what sources of income really matter and how to set them up
- how exactly they lay out plans to double their income year over year and hit them
- the markets they know about that you are missing out on
- how they maintain ~90% pitch response rates
- and more
You’ll get:
- three hours of small-group attention in intensive freelance travel writing business planning workshops
- three months of access to exactly how to pitch hundreds of travel magazines with a Travel Magazine Database subscription ($75 value)
- your own print copy of the 400-page, ultimate guide to making money as a travel writer, The Six-Figure Travel Writing Road Map, without waiting for or paying for shipping ($44 value)
- afternoon tea treats and tea and coffee throughout the event
- worksheets to take home so you can recreate all of the workshop exercises whenever your travel writing income needs a boost
Grab your spot now!
What We’ll Cover
This is not just going to be me talking at you about how to pitch, what editors are looking for, and how to make money from blogging. You probably already know everything that you need to know about those things.
What we are going to do is much more hands on.
We are going to look in naked, nitty gritty detail at exactly where your travel writing (or general freelance writing if you do more things but would like to transition to just travel) income is coming from, how you earn it, how you’d like to earn it, and what type of work you need to do and clients you need to work with to hit your big, fat, crazy income goal.
- If you’re currently eking out more like $35,000 from freelance travel writing and living frugally, we’re going to talk about how to make it $70,000 so you can foot the bill for the types of trips you’d really like to be taking.
- If you’re earning a healthy $60,000 or $70,000 from freelance travel writing, we’ll make a plan to push you into and beyond that coveted $100,000-mark.
- And if you’re currently working full time in another capacity and want to completely replace that income with travel writing, we’ll chart a detailed, step-by-step, just go home and color by numbers plan for that too.
This is not time for straight learning or pep talks.
We are going to map out, in detail, with goals and tactics, exactly what you need to do to reach your goals.
“I had broken into freelance writing about 4 years before I was introduced to Gabi. I wrote a small magazine column and contributed a web piece here and there, but despite traveling to 20 countries and living abroad for 3 years, I struggled with organizing my ideas and pitching publications to keep a steady supply of new work. Simply put, I’ve learned more in the few months that I’ve been a member of the Dream of Travel Writing Database and listening in on Gabi’s seminars than I have in 4 years of working in the industry. Gabi is a wealth of knowledge and I feel fortunate to have been influenced by her expertise. “
Our Schedule for the Afternoon
- 1:00 p.m.: Arrive, get set up on the Travel Magazine Database, grab your brunch, start in on your worksheets
- 1:30 p.m.: Welcome and exercise on where are you now and where do you want to be? We work through the real numbers of what you need to be earning to hit you goal, separating your current income by client, and see where you need to change tack.
- 2:00 p.m.: Walk through the habits of six-figure travel writers with point-by-point group discussion on how each member of the master class can incorporate specific strategies into the gap in their current income and where they would like it to be.
- 3:00 p.m.: Afternoon tea
- 3:15 p.m.: The hard stuff: as a group and on our own, we fill in The Big Deal Sheet, the worksheet where we outline our exact marketing plan–including starting ideas of who we will pitch and what we will pitch them–to map out an actionable plan for how we will turn our pumpkin income into sweet Cinderella royal carriage level.
- 4:00 p.m.: How do we go from here? We discuss our plans as our through a look at the most common points where people fall off from pursuing our best laid plans, what to do when you hit those bumps in the road, and how to adjust when you get derailed.
- 4:30 p.m.: Official workshop wraps up and time for any additional one-on-one questions and another drink or nibble!
In addition to the workshop itself, you’ll also get:
- three months of access to exactly how to pitch hundreds of travel magazines with a Travel Magazine Database subscription ($75 value)
- your own print copy of the 400-page, ultimate guide to making money as a travel writer, The Six-Figure Travel Writing Road Map, without waiting for or paying for shipping ($44 value)
- afternoon tea treats and tea and coffee throughout the event
- worksheets to take home so you can recreate all of the workshop exercises whenever your travel writing income needs a boost
Join us for just $49 AUD!
(Please note: Workshop is billed in USD at $37)
Why should you pay the equivalent of a nice dinner out to come listen to me?
There’s a reason that I wrote the 400-page book The Six-Figure Travel Writing Road Map (which you’ll get a free copy of at the workshop!).
When I started going to travel writing conferences and people heard that I didn’t have my own blog, and only wrote for other blogs that paid me $100-400 a post or magazines that paid $400-$2,500, people wanted me to teach them how I did it. So I told them what I did. But they didn’t do it. So I spent 18 months researching why.
Why do some people become successful travel writers and others don’t? One half of the equation is knowledge. And the other half is psychology. So I created a series of trainings that give you the information you need to succeed and exercises to make sure you actually implement what you learn.
Normally, people have to pay $600 a month for personal coaching from me to have access to these trainings and exercises or come to my writing retreat center outside New York city for a weekend retreat of not just learning, but doing. Of patterning the actions that they’ll take home and practice to make sure their travel writing career actually happens like they want this time.
But while I’m on the road in Australia for a short trip, I’m bringing some of our special sauce to you.
“Instead of fluffy, theoretical advice, Gabi takes readers step by step through the nitty gritty (but vital) tactics that can turn a travel writing dream into a profitable, sustainable reality.”
Our Money-Back Guarantee
Our Travel Magazine Database has a pretty crazy guarantee.
If you use it, and pitch regularly for three months and don’t hear back from any editors, we’ll not only give you your money back, you’ll also get a private coaching call and three query critiques to get your pitching up to snuff so you start getting responses.
We’re going to extend that guarantee to the full price of the workshop.
If you attend the workshop, go home and send pitches regularly, and haven’t gotten any responses in three months, we’ll refund your entire fee and give you the private coaching call and three query critiques.
If you’ve been trying to get your travel writing to comfortable support you, why haven’t you reached your goal yet?
If you’ve read this far, you probably need some additional help or information to reach that goal.
It’s not likely we’ll be doing workshops in Australia at any point in the next couple years, and this will be the last time we’ll give away copies of The Six-Figure Travel Writing Road Map. (Since Amazon doesn’t have a printing office there, it’s hard to order them in bulk! We actually flew them in for you this time.) Get your copy and the kick in the pants you need to get moving toward your dreams now.
There’s only a handful of spots in this master class. Don’t let someone else grab yours.