The Flourishing Creator

All Posts Tagged: pitching travel magazines

A Simple, Crazy Successful Way to Start Making $2k (Minimum) This Month as a Travel Writer

One aspect of the typical travel writer’s life is that not every bit of work is a web or magazine article (or something related to one).

I could give you dozens of examples of “every day” working travel writers’ additional income streams (the sample breakdowns of six-figure travel writing incomes are a good place to start), but let’s look at some huge folks who are basically the “giants” of travel writing:

  • Don George
  • Tim Leffel
  • Jeff Greenwald

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How to Directly Email Top Magazine Editors

When I was first starting to gain my ground as a travel writer, I went to the local travel show—something I’d previously only gone to as a consumer—during the trade day.

There were lots of talks, and frankly, perhaps because I wandered into ones meant for travel agents, who were the bulk of the audience, I didn’t really get much of them.

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