All Posts Tagged: reader mailbag
Can You Send a New Version of the Same Pitch to the Same Editor?
We often get questions from readers and coaching program members that we think would apply to a lot of you and so with permission–agony-aunt-style–we’ll share some of these with you on our blog from time to time. On to the tricky travel writing questions!
How Do You Respond When Travel Companies Ask You to Blink First in Negotiations?
Photo by Helloquence on Unsplash
Welcome to a new feature here at Dream of Travel Writing–the Monday Mailbag! We often get questions from readers, folks in our accountability group, or coaching program members that we think would apply to a lot of you.
Now, with permission, agony-aunt-style, we’ll be sharing a new one with you each Monday. If you have a question you’d like to see included, please send it to us at questions [at] and make sure to include a line saying we have permission to reprint your question.
On to the tricky travel writing questions!
How Do You Follow Up on Informal Assignments from Editors?
Welcome to the Dream of Travel Writing–the Monday Mailbag! We often get questions from readers, folks in our accountability group, or coaching program members that we think would apply to a lot of you.
Now, with permission, agony-aunt-style, we’ll be sharing a new one with you each Monday. If you have a question you’d like to see included, please send it to us at questions [at] and make sure to include a line saying we have permission to reprint your question.
On to the tricky travel writing questions!
When Things Start to Go Sour With a Long-Time Editor Relationship, When Should You Cut the Cord?
Photo by Harli Marten on Unsplash
Welcome to the Dream of Travel Writing–the Monday Mailbag! We often get questions from readers, folks in our accountability group, or coaching program members that we think would apply to a lot of you.
Now, with permission, agony-aunt-style, we’ll be sharing a new one with you each Monday. If you have a question you’d like to see included, please send it to us at questions [at] and make sure to include a line saying we have permission to reprint your question.
On to the tricky travel writing questions!