The Flourishing Creator

All Posts Tagged: travel writing webinars

Your $100 Coupon Can Also Get You More Free Trips This Year

If you are new to travel writing, I bet there’s one thing that you feel would demarcate your successful entry into this world: scoring a spot on a free press trip.

If this is one of your goals right now, I’ve got great news for you:

Setting up free trips as a travel writer is dead simple.

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Learn How to Perfect Your Pitches with Your $100 Coupon

If you’ve thought to yourself lately: “I’ve got to get serious if I’m going to make sure my magazine writing career takes off,” then this one is for you.

We talk a lot about how proactive pitching–cold, to editors you have no relationship with–is the way to make your travel writing career rise by leaps and bounds quickly.

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Plan to Get Serious About Your Business Right Now with Your $100 Coupon

When I first started freelance travel writing, there were no websites dedicated to the business side of the travel writer’s life.

And there were only a handful of solid sources on creating a stable income as a freelance writer.
Most people simply thought it couldn’t be done, and the ones out there doing it were too busy working for their clients and living awesome freelance lives to tell the rest of us how to do it!

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Our New Weekly Travel Writing Webinar Series Unpacks the Ins and Outs of Professional Travel Writing

In case you haven’t caught the news in our weekly travel writing newsletter (sign up at the bottom of this page and get the beginning of The Six-Figure Travel Writing Road Map for free if you’re not already receiving it) or social media accounts, we’ve started a weekly webinar series covering the inside scoop on travel writing.

Each week, we’ll look at what you need to know to become a pro:

  • the most lucrative types of travel writing gigs–and how to get them
  • step-by-step tutorials on all aspects of travel writing from pitching to coming up with ideas to writing different kinds of travel articles
  • how to set up the work processes that professionals use to get their work done and keep assignments rolling in

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