What I love about–the reason I have spent a significant amount of money (five figures for real certified training!) and time (I’ve logged more than 600 paid coaching hours in addition to hundreds more hours of unpaid training–that it is THE way to actually ensure people get results.

It’s so effective, there is actually a whole science around studying what makes it most potent.

But, the price of super-personalized, one-on-one, regular weekly, full-length coaching calls is not for everyone.

The thing is, individualized attention is expensive. And I don’t want to offer something that only works for some people who have the circumstances to invest financially in themselves at that level.

In fact, I really don’t want to offer anything that makes people feel like they need to choose between help they know they need and other obligations.

So..we’ve decided to change how we typically go about offering coaching to focus on a group model (still supported by the most up-to-date best practices and science of coaching!).

We will focus on what makes coaching so effective to bring you key aspects at a scale that allows us to help people at different price points—including multiple calls per week every week, and tools you can even use on your own every day!

My Business Manager Still Gets Upset at Me About This!

We are so thankful to everyone who has followed our content and knows that they have been waiting for an invitation like this to get coaching with us.

While we open up registration for this program, we’re offering free access to our resources (with more added every week) for folks who are sure they are ready to jump in. We also have some special bonus surprises lined up—just for those who join during our open house.

You can check out everything included in the program below, but I wanted to tell you…

My business manager got really upset at me when I told her how much I wanted to charge for this program.

Especially the Early Bird Exclusive price.

She knows exactly what resources we have available. She also belongs to many other communities for small business owners, creatives, and other interest groups. And she said that what we have put together is far more valuable than places that charge more and don’t even offer real coaching, just Q&A calls masquerading as coaching.

We finally agreed that we would charge $197 per month as the full price. But the full price won’t start until after we’ve had our official start date.

Our Super Special Open House Offer for You

So if you are sure—and again, this is really for people who know us and our content and are ready to commit to a beautiful relationship of being supported in a group with professional coaching as they work toward a range of life and business goals—here’s what I am excited to be able to offer you, just for our special Open House before the coaching program officially opens.

We’ll officially open on October 1, so if you join right away, you’ll also be getting free access to resources ahead of the opening date.

You can secure one of a very limited number of Early Bird Exclusive spots for $147/month and get:

  • a special pathfinding call with me to start your work with us
  • 50% off our upcoming Strategic Business Planning Mastermind Workshop
  • free access to our resources in advance of opening day
  • bonus pre-opening surprises
  • $50 savings per month (that’s $600 per year!) savings on your membership

I’m not kidding when I say these are limited. And yes, I had to fight with my business manager to get as many of these special spots as I did!

It is really important to me that we honor and thank the people who know right away that this is for them.

I really appreciate everyone who sees this offer and can’t click fast enough. I am always so excited when creators I admire, whose advice I find super valuable, have offers that are just the right thing at just the right time. I can’t wait to meet those of you who feel that way about this invitation right now.

But what happens if you click and the Early Bird Exclusives have already been gobbled up by those on-the-ball birdies?

I’ve got you.

Anytime during our Open House—right up until the official opening day of our coaching program on October 1—you can still get a discount (for life!) on your membership ($167/month) and get all of the bonuses above.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Confirm your spot now to lock in the best price for the program. You’ll pay for the first month now to hold your spot, and you won’t be charged again until the end of the first month the program is open. We open October 1, so you won’t be charged again until November.
  2. Enjoy instant access on the house to our resources in the lead-up to our official opening date (October 1). We’ll keep adding more resources each week for you to check out.
  3. Set up your pathfinding one-on-one with Gabi to start to chart the best way forward for you through our resources and your current goals.
  4. Join us for exclusive bonus surprises to be announced! These calls and other surprises will only be open to members who have already joined.
  5. Take 50% off charting your course for the end of this year and the year ahead in our Strategic Business Planning Mastermind Workshop

What’s Included in the Coaching Program?

Whether you grab the fast-action offer for this super special first-come-first-served price, join any time before the official kick-off at the discounted rate, or join later when we reopen membership, you’ll always receive:

  • two 60-minute group coaching calls each week
  • half-off all of our workshops
  • exclusive newsletter highlighting the top tips, takeaways, and tools discussed in our weekly calls
  • streamable audio and video, transcripts, and slides of all of our past webinars
  • more than 400 detailed answers to questions about every facet of freelance travel writing, from how to email editors to what to say to land a travel content marketing client (and we’ve got folks going through our past webinars and pulling new ones to add throughout this month!), in our Q&A Library
  • option to send in your own questions for us to answer and add to the library
  • proprietary “Ask Gabi” custom GPT to get advice on burning questions outside our weekly calls
  • better business book club (you don’t even have to read the book—we’ll summarize and move right into discussion and action step planning)
  • morning and evening reflection questions
  • weekly plan review questions
  • monthly planning check-in walkthrough
  • on-demand self-guided access to our IdeaFest and Pitchapalooza, and live access during scheduled course dates
  • option to join us for the Flourishing Creator summer camp program in New York State
  • personalized email support for any program-related questions from our live, human dedicated customer service manager
  • free access to exclusive member planning masterminds throughout the year
  • first pick on purchasing 1-on-1 coaching times when available
  • your price locked in for the life of your membership

How do the differences between the options break down?

Benefits$147 Early Bird Exclusive$167 Open House Special$199 Post-Launch Sign-up
$50 off per month for lifeX
$30 off per month for lifeXX
1-on-1 Pathfinding Call with Gabi25 mins15 mins
50% off Strategic Planning WorkshopXX
Bonus pre-opening surprisesXX
Two weekly group coaching callsXXX
Exclusive tips newsletterXXX
All of our webinarsXXX
Q&A libraryXXX
“Ask Gabi” GPTXXX
Better business book clubXXX
Morning and evening reflectionsXXX
Weekly plan reviewsXXX
Monthly planning check-inXXX
IdeaFest + PitchapaloozaXXX
Summer campXXX
First pick on 1-on-1 timesXXX

If you’d like to join the Very Insightful Professionals (VIP) Group Coaching Program, we can’t wait to see you there.

To your success,